Mechanical, hard- firm- and software
- Microcontroller especially Espressif ESP32 based designs
like Current Loop Dataloggers, Smart Meters,
KNX Interface cards, Home Automation,...
- Digital Crypto Curreny Algorithms
- VoIP Solutions, Intercom devices
- Most of development is done at coworkingsalzburg

IT Operations
on site
- Consulting & Sales
- Service & Repair
- Off Site Services like E-Mail, Backup, ..

Your Servers
- 24/7 physical access
- both IPv4 and IPv6 address space
- Provide 19" server equipment
- Carrier Grade Internet connectivity
- Starting at EUR 19,99 per month - no setup fee.
- Server location: Techno-Z Salzburg
A Place To Call Home
Here you can deploy your physical machines